Infertility is the lack to supply offspring whilst impotence is a state of sexual dysfunctions or dysfunctions of the reproductive gadget. These stipulations is also found in one or each spouse. Genetic, medication, hormonal, way of life, deficient well being, mental, and faulty genitalia are components chargeable for impotence, infertility and sterility within the local.
Factors chargeable for infertility and impotence
Moon: psychological power, motion of essential forces within the frame like frame’s fluids, blood and lymph. Female reproductive purposes being pregnant, nursing, menopause, number one indicator of fertility
Mars: acute sickness, increased frame metabolism, venereal sicknesses
Sun: denotes constitutional vigour and metabolism
Venus: reproductive organs, sexual actions
Saturn: chronicle sicknesses, weakening metabolic powers, retention and deposits of poisons, slow serve as of frame portions, hypo functioning of endocrine glands, coldness, and obstruction
Sign Libra: signifies sexual pleasures, generative organs seventh area: sensuous enjoyment, intercourse needs, non-public organs, well being of the spouse
Ascendant: basic psychological and bodily skills
Combinations for infertility
· Sun in even signal and moon in strange signal similar to one another
· Saturn in even signal and mercury in strange signal similar to one another
· Sun in even signal and mars in strange signal similar to one another
· Ascendant and moon each in strange signal and are suffering from mars posited within the even signal
· Moon in strange signal and mercury in even signal, each aspected through the Mars
· Venus, Moon, ascendant are in male indicators
· Venus in sixth/eighth/12th/area or with sixth lord induces infertility within the local
· Lords of sixth and ascendant are with Mercury and Rahu, displays downside in generative portions
· Venus in seventh area aspected/related through Saturn and Mars, infertility is indicated.
· Ascendant is in sixth area and lord’s of the sixth home is with Mercury, the local can be infertile.
· Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all within the eighth area signifies infertility
· Mars is in seventh area aspected through Saturn
· Mars and Saturn are positioned in combination within the seventh area
· Mercury sign up for ascendant in affiliation with the lords of the sixth and eighth signifies the local might be afflicted by incurable sexual sicknesses leading to infertility.
Combinations for Impotence
· Mars in Libra signifies issues to sexual organs, displeasure within the mattress.
· Mars and Sun / Mars and Rahu in Libra point out disturbed excitement and illness in generative organs.
· four planets in Libra signifies sexual incompetency
· Weak and bothered Venus in seventh area signifies both spouse can be barren or husband is also impotent
· Mars with a malefic posited in seventh area signifies impotency brought about through urinary gadget
· Saturn and Venus in eighth/10th without a benefice facet induces impotency
· Saturn in melancholy in sixth or 12th area
· Saturn is sixth/12th from Venus
· Saturn is posited 12th from the Venus
· Moon in Libra aspected through Mars, Rahu, and Saturn, the local can be impotent
· Ascendant in its personal area and aspecting Venus being posited in seventh area signifies impotency
· Moon and Saturn posited in 4th or 10th from Mars signifies impotency
· Lord of sixth home is related to Mercury and Rahu and ascendant’s lord is expounded to them by any means
· sixth lord, Mars and Saturn posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant, simplest the male spouse can be impotent
· The lord of seventh joins the sixth area with Venus signifies local’s spouse can be frigid
· sixth lord posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant and aspected / related through Mercury signifies each spouse can be impotent
Source through Geeta Jha